The Elder Scrolls Online Summerset (XBOne)

Product Code: SF10371
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Release Date 5 June 2018

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset is the next Chapter of ZeniMax Online Studios’ award-winning online RPG, The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). This new adventure in the ESO saga will send adventurers and their friends to the Summerset Isle, to visit and explore the ancestral home of the high elves for the first time since 1994’s The Elder Scrolls: Arena. Players will also be able to explore the island of Artaeum, home to the mysterious Psijic Order, a group of sages that predate the Mages Guild. Tamriel’s fate hangs in the balance and the heroes of ESO are called upon to save the world once more.

New players can grab the Standard Edition, which includes The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Chapter as well as The Elder Scrolls Online base game.   
MMO, Role Playing Game